If you have been lucky enough to trample a girl full-weight. (Come on, you've got to do it SOMETIME in this lifetime, it's just too awesome). You may have felt her heartbeat. As I mentioned in an earlier post, this heartbeat is the pulsating of the tramplee's Abdominal Aorta, or the big blood vessel behind all her organs. If you can feel this heartbeat clearly, that means you are doing some really deep trampling. The aorta is just infront of her spine, which means your foot can't go down any further. Here is a CAT scan of a female belly's cross section (so image u have a girl cut in half at the tummy, and you're looking down into her bottom half). I have manipulated the image to what I think happens when the girl's tummy gets trampled. Yes, it's a messy edit, but gimmie some props for it k.
NORMAL (untrampled) belly Cross-section |
TRAMPLED belly Cross-section (the orange shape is your foot) |
Have they puked before while you trampling on them?
Well, one girl puked when I sat on her. She hadn't told me she had just eaten and probably didn't realize how much I weighed.
hello, if any girl wants someone to step on or sit on her belly, send me an email, i'll love having a trampling session with you. pedrolusca200@gmail.com
hello, i am domineering, and i like to step on and sit on girls belly, if you want to be trampled or crushed or just want to talk about trampling, call me on email: pedrolusca200@gmail.com
A great guide. However, I know perfectly the anatomy of the female human body. Especially of the organs and bones of the abdomen. To always perform a very hard, very painful barefoot trampling but without the risk of causing damage. I have no problem putting all my weight on one foot that sinks deeply into the intestines! While the other remains raised in midair. I know it hurts but I believe that in trampling the suffering of the tramplee is something that needs to be and that makes the experience much more beautiful and complete.
Mas é claro,isso tem de ser necessário,caso contrário não haveria prazer.
The union between my two great passions, crossdressing and hard barefoot trampling on very thin girls, continues! Unfortunately, it is very difficult to find girls willing to sacrifice themselves for this fantastic practice. Plus there's the self-righteous, one-way bigotry of society (how many hard f/m or f/f trampling sites are there that are undisturbed?). However, I want to deepen the guide to barefoot trampling on thin women by dealing, in addition to the terrible trampling on their intestines, on many other areas of their bodies! It is right that there is more material on the net about hard shemale/female barefoot trampling. Hoping to go one day not far from theory to practice without boring piety. CDK
Oh yeah, me too, o love tranpling extreme in girls.
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